Sunday, March 25, 2007


Here we reverse order, no doubt...

Sun 3.25.06
7:15am ride
1 hr 56' 23" total
10' 53" warmup, 1:40:53 main set (avg hr 145), 4' 36" cooldown
Cadence at 70-75rpm during main set - legs ran out of juice during last 30' of main set
Cold, a little breezy

Sat 3.24.06
8am swim
1650 swim in 28'55"
~10' warmup, 5' cooldown

lots of sleep, torn up stomach, no motivation

6pm ride
~120' ride, felt terrible, demoralizing, no energy, no confidence, couldn't keep hr up

Fri 3.23.06
no workout
lots of stress/frustration at work

Thurs 3.22.06
2pm ride on trainer at DAC
5' warmup, 40' main set (avg hr 142), 5' cooldown
good strong ride, barely sandwiched between meeting and personal training with Jay

7:30pm run (downtown, wolflin, paramount, etc)
10' warmup, 65' main set (avg hr 156), ~5' cooldown
run felt terribly fast and hard for the first 15' of main set, then settled in and floated for 50'
6:27 pace, just over 10 miles in 65'

Wed 3.21.06
1 pm run (thompson park)
10' warmup, 45' main set (hr messed up, but ~155), 5' cooldown
great run, good hills, also exciting in the ghetto

6pm ride (wildorado)
15' warmup, 2x30' main set (avg hr 148, 149) w/ 5' RI, 10' cooldown
strong HOP intervals, legs felt good, good motivation,
tired, but got'er done

Tues 3.20.06
no workout
long nap after work

Mon 3.19.06
8pm ride on trainer at DAC
easy recovery (avg hr 126)
short run, couldn't get hr up, tired
worked 12 hrs on little sleep

Sun 3.18.06
11:30am ride w/ McGalliard (PDC)
2 climbs out of PDC, one flat, some wind
no avg hr, but attempted 140-145, don't think I made it
cadence at 70-75 is not efficient yet
tired after Saturday's race sim

Sat 3.17.06
8am swim
1600 in 28'20"
500 warmup, 500 cooldown

12:30pm brick
15' warmup, 85' main set on the bike (avg hr 147) (bushland north to old tascosa rd, west line rd)
1'49" t2
90' run (avg hr 154) (medi park, quail creek, lost canyons, westcliff, woodlands), 11' cooldown jog/walk
Adie brought the nutrition/hydration for the run (on her bike), some GI issues, but felt great!
Still dehydrated, started cramping towards the end

Fri 3.16.06
no workout

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

is it supposed to feel like this?

Mon 3.12.07 1pm
60' easy on trainer at the DAC
avg hr 131, avg cadence 85-90rpm

60' run
10' warmup, 45' avg hr 156, 6'25" cooldown
great loop through medipark out 9th up helium and finish through medipark
still tough accelerating to a higher hr, but manageable to hold after 5-10'

Tues 3.13.07 10:30 am
morning swim, odd time
500 warmup (split 100's)
2000 main set, avg stroke 18-20 (best at 17 3x), avg time ~ 1'49"
500 cooldown (broken 250's)

Had a big ride planned after work, came home, laid down on the bed for a moment, woke up at 8pm. It'll have to wait til tomorrow...

Wed 3.14.07 6am
Attempted the big ride on the trainer - wasn't happening, cashed it in for the ride planned for today
15' warmup
40' at hr 140-145, avg cadence 70-75 rpm
10' cooldown

more to be added after work!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

here we go again

Big weekend, great workouts...

Sat 3.10.07 7:30am
Morning swim
(100 swim, 75 kick, 50 drill, 25 hard swim) x2 warmup
1600 swim for efficiency/speed
avg 100 = ~1'45", avg strokes/length 19-21
(100 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull, 100 drill, 100 swim) cooldown
very smooth, almost comfortable

12:00pm brick
15' warmup
60' hard cycle, avg hr 151
I-40 access road to west line road

44" t2

90' run, avg hr 159
medipark, quail creek, lost canyon, westcliff, woodlands - lots of hills
strong south wind coming back, got dehydrated at some point after 60'
15' cooldown walk

Sun 3.11.07 10am
Morning swim
100 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull, 100 breast warmup
1500 for efficiency
avg 100 = 1'46", avg stroke = 18-20
100 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull, 100 breast cooldown

60' ride in the rain with a cold N wind
~30 on the computrainer after drying off and changing cleats over to race shoes
nothing left in the legs when I tried to turn up the intensity, couldn't pull the hr above 130

after lunch and a shower...
25' on computrainer
still couldn't gut up the intensity, this time I got the hr up, but didn't have anything left in the engine

the bed and my beautiful wife are calling...

Friday, March 9, 2007

catching up

This morning's time trial, which was put off from last night on the computrainer, rolled out like this:

6:45 am, 48 degrees, 10-15 N/NW wind
I-40 access road west
30' progressive warmup
30' time trial, first 10' avg hr - 154, last 20' avg hr - 161
20' cooldown
great workout, but I think I could've pushed harder had there been an opponent...why is it that I can also gut it up more when there's something to win and lose? Maybe that's normal...

pm swim 8:30pm
500m warmup (100 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull, 1oo drill, 100 swim)
one mile comfortable, working on efficiency, didn't feel like things we're working together
500m cooldown (100 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull, 1oo drill, 100 swim)

Other workouts from this week shook out like this...

Tues 3.6.07 6pm
~60' ride
I-40 access road west
attempting time trial, hr monitor not cooperating, ended up being a comfortable ride

Wed 3.7.07 1pm
~20' run
left hamstring is very sore, this was supposed to be the warmup for some core work which was quickly interrupted by some real work

Thurs 3.8.07 1pm
60' ride
indoor trainer
3x10' on, 2' off big gear riding

Big workouts tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

one down

This morning began with a disappointing alarm at 5am, only to be followed up with another only 9' later. Eventually I dragged myself to the couch where I stayed a little too long. When all was said and done, I was still out the door by 6am and the legs freshened up soon thereafter. Here's the stats for today's efficiency test:

~20' warmup
30' at hr 160 on Tascosa track = 50m short of 18 laps = just under 4.5 miles = 6:40 pace
~20' cooldown
Aside from a large blister on the side of my left foot due to the new Mizuno Precisions, this felt pretty manageable with the worst part not coming until the jog home. I should be able to race comfortably at hr 160.

Evening workout didn't quite go as planned - my hr monitor was screwing up, showing everything from 100-260. In short, I put in a solid 60', but I don't have a clue what the intensity was, and after attempting the time trial 4x, I gave it up for a day when I know what my body's doing. (Besides, I needed the HR data for McGalliard.)

All in all, a great day.

Monday, March 5, 2007

new plans

It wasn't far and it wasn't fast, but it was beautiful.

~30'-40' maybe, new Mizuno Precisions, great songs on the shuffle, and a game plan for tomorrow...

Tues am - Efficiency Run Test (30' at 160 HR, measuring distance run at Maffetone HR)

Tues pm - Bike Time Trial (30' intense warm up, 30' time trial measuring avg hr for the last 20', 15-20' cooldown)


I got the call again this morning. Well, actually two calls. The first at 1am, the second at 3am; when it was all said and done, I ended up at work at 3:30am and folded more laundry in one morning that our opening employee has done in a week. It's days like today when I wish I was still just a personal trainer, but I digress.

I was hoping to hear from McGalliard today on the schedule for the rest of the week - yesterday he spoke of two swim tests, two run tests, and two bike tests. I may end up heading up to the pool this evening regardless, we'll see how the body feels after a little dinner. I'll post the details (or lack thereof) later tonight.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

could someone scrape me off the pavement?

I fell apart today...not sort of fell apart, more like "wasn't sure I could make it home" fell apart. I can say that now, but I never would have admitted it during the ride. Here's the stats for the day:

:55 swim (2500m) -
100 swim/100 drill/100 pull/100 drill/100 swim warmup
1600 pyramid (2x50, 100, 150, 200, 150, etc)
400 straight cooldown
felt great, very smooth, consistent 20-21 strokes per lap, much faster than last week

4:15 ride (70 miles) -
apt to mcgallaird's to PDC, 4 climbs, and back
No avg HR as I was splitting the climbs
pushed a bigger gear than I would have chosen most of the time, 1 gear up on the climbs as well
felt great until exiting the canyon, hung on until washington, and then the quads pretty much shut'er down. Only took in ~500 calories on the ride until mcgalliard forced me to eat some of his fig newtons during the last several miles (I hate having to ask for help). Obviously this wasn't enough, post-swim. I felt about like I did when finishing the bike during Buffalo Springs - I don't ever want to feel like that again.

McGalliard said we're burning about 3100 cal on those rides, mine might be more if he was figuring that for his weight instead of my extra 25 lbs. I also switched over to Accelerade today instead of Hammer - what was I thinking?

On the up side, the way up side, he's going to start coaching me and says I have ticket for some great things. His encouragement always goes a long way. I'm getting fired up just talking about it.

While I'm on, let me catch up on the week...

Sat 3.3.07 12pm
Brick -
:56 hilly ride (north of town) with a 20-30 mph north wind
Avg HR - 139
1:30 run with some good hills on coulter and 9th out to girl scout camp trails and back through medipark
Avg HR - 146

Fri 3.2.07
Rest day

Thurs 3.1.07 7pm
Brick -
:60 on trainer
15' warmup, 6'all out, 6'recovery, 2'all out, 2'30" recovery, 2'all out, 2' recovery, 2' all out, 1'30" recovery, 1'all out, 20' steady
:30 on treadmill
20' tempo, 10' cool down

Wed 2.28.07 8pm
:55 swim (2500m)
100 swim/100 kick/100 pull warmup
6x50m buildup
1x100m at projected pace
1500m (avg 100 - 1'47", 26'59" total)
4x50m drill, 100 swim cooldown

Tues 2.27.07 1pm
Brick -
:60 on trainer
20' warmup, 20' tempo (hr 143-149), 20' steady (hr 120-142)
:30 on treadmill
5' steady (7'30" pace), 5x1' hard (5-6' pace), 4' easy (7'30")

Mon 2.26.07 4pm
:60 bike
Avg HR - 124
Had to open at 3:30am, not extremely motivated, but wanted to get some sunshine. Had a swim planned, but the sun looked too inviting to pass up. Judging by the dead feeling in my legs, I probably should've chosen the swim.

That's a wrap...