Sunday, August 19, 2007

There's such a cleanliness, a freedom that comes from running. Sweat pouring down the face, the sound of the feet hitting the pavement, the melodic breathing, the control and experience that can only truly be realized by letting go of all control. The trail, the road, the cars, the sun, the people that stop and stare, the people that mention it's not smart to run when it's 100 degrees, the smell of fresh cut grass and the stench of molded trash and rain runoff - somehow, somewhy, it's all beautiful in it's own way.

Is the world as God wants it to be? Is my world as my God wants it to be? Am I making the most of all the gifts he has put under my "control?"

Bil talked about excellence's hard and possibly impossible to have excellence in one area of life and for it not to bleed over into all others. Am I about excellence? Am I displaying excellence in the pursuit of my personal limit? Am I looking for excellence at work? Am I the epitome of excellence as a husband? a father? a manager? a friend? a leader? a disciple of Christ? a searcher for truth? a triathlete?

Who am I looking to as examples of excellence? Do I know what excellence looks like and am I running towards it at all cost?

Bil says three things make up excellence - I the same person day in and day out regardless of my environment? Is my everyday life an example of what I believe? I using my gifts for the good of others? Does my life have a bigger purpose than my life alone?

Chemistry - Romans 15:5. How well am I getting along with those around me? Do people want to be around me?

Why watch other people change the world when I can be in on it?

I want to make a difference with my life. I want to rush the field at Bannockburn, to sail off into the unknown, to hurl my body off the cliff and plunge into the unknown. I want to live the adventure, fight with ferocity, and win the princess. I want to be used by the One and I want to experience his power, his sufferings, his strength, his endurance, his love.

Lead me on that path...
I'm not really good with subjects, so this one may have to wait...

What an interesting week it's been. An open water swim, about 130 miles on the bike, somewhere around 50 miles on the run, and even more importantly, a completely different outlook on church and in some ways life.

More from the laptop...