Tuesday, April 24, 2007

tues 4.24.07

easy spin on the trainer at the dac...

avg hr: 160
seated 5', 1' standing:1' seated for 5'
felt good to get things flushed out
didn't drink enough water, should've got 20oz down, but only washed down 15 or so...

I need to start drinking Gatorade during every workout - every 5' on the bike, every mile or ~6'30" on the run. If not Gatorade, then taking in gel and water on the run...

I am feeling much better today...I'm starting to think that a large part of the problem on Sunday was going out way too hard...I mean, seriously, avging over 160bpm on the first bike loop, what was I thinking? I plan on getting in the lake more in the wetsuit and finding that intensity, too...McGalliard also wants to change the training to go at a lower intensity for a longer duration some and then still knock out some higher intensity lower duration work as well...

Let's get back into some good hard training...

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